Feb 25, 2021

Never Give up

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Do you ever look at somebody who’s successful in business or they’re really healthy and they’re in good shape or they have a great marriage or they have massive influence and you wonder how did they do that?

Be Consistence

  • When I was growing up, I used to just think that they must have been really lucky enough to be born into the right family, lucky enough to have some kind of big opportunity, lucky enough to have good genetics, lucky enough to meet the right person, lucky enough to have some breakthrough idea and while there are some luck and some people have been given more what I’ve noticed over time that in most cases when people are really successful at least in some area of their life.
  • They’re not just lucky but they’re consistent they’re consistent over time and that successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally. Some area of life there’s consistency, persistence, patience because successful people tend to do consistently what other people do occasionally.

Do Not Over Think, Just Do It.

  • All of us have good intentions we all want similar things but we have very different results. We need to understand that intentions don’t determine direction actions determine direction. If you just keep on doing whatever you’ve been doing, you’re going to keep on getting whatever you’ve been getting.
  • Hoping for a different future doesn’t bring you a different future, habits change your life.
  • Whatever want you in your life it is in your finances, friendship, start-up whatever it is it’s never the result of a few lucky decisions but is always a result of countless consistent seemingly small decisions done over time. It’s the small things that no one sees that lead to the big results. It’s consistency and faithfulness in the small things over time.

What You Want?

  • If you don’t like what you’re reaping change what you’re seeing if you don’t like the harvest change the seed if you don’t like what you’re reaping change what you’re sewing. 
  • Look for one different type of seed to plant just one thing area of your life where you say I want to be consistent in this area I want to sow seeds have consistent it might be, time in your work, attitude, forgiveness, acceptance, public speaking etc.
  • Pick one area of your life that you want a different harvest ask yourself what type of seed you need to plant and we’re going to plant the right types of seeds and believe in you and god that will bring the right type of harvest.
  • It’s the compound effect when we do the small right things consistently over time planting the right types of seeds in the right kind of soil in the right time of the year God sends the rain and God produces a harvest to a radical difference. It’s not what we do occasionally that makes the difference it’s what we do consistently.

Every Small Decision Decide What Will Be Your Future.

  • Our entire life is the sum total of all the decisions that we make in every action you’re choosing a direction your business starts succeeding your influence starts expanding and people look on and they’ll say you were lucky you were lucky and you’ll no you weren’t lucky you were faithful you were consistent and what they won’t see they’ll never see it because it’s often the small things that no one sees that lead to the big results that everyone wants.
  • They won’t see you overcoming your self-doubt and your insecurities and confessing your sins and failing and standing back up and trying again they won’t see the early mornings or the late nights they won’t see you enduring criticism and showing back up with a heart of grace they’ll know nothing about the grind your perseverance your private pain the small consistent disciplines they won’t see any of that but you’ll know it’s the seeds you planted and it’s the harvest God brought.

Never Give-up

  • At some level you feel it that when you do the small right things or don’t do the small wrong things a lot of times you don’t see very fast results, you’re trying but you don’t see a lot of immediate life change so if you’re like me or a lot of people you tend to get frustrated you get discouraged and you often feel like quitting. But don’t give up.
  • You do not give up whatever your goal is you are never going to give up until you reach that goal never going to give  up now there’s going to be lots of times when you’re going to want to give up there’s going  to be a lot of times when it looks to you like that there’s no way that what you’re wanting to take place in your life is ever going to happen there’s going to be times when the enemy is going  to come against your mind you may have times when people will even try to tell you that it’s  never going to happen, it’s waste of time, money all the different things but always remember one thing never give up.
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I have a passion for entrepreneurship and a desire to help others achieve their goals. I am active in the entrepreneurial community, attending networking events, participating in business competitions, or mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs. highly motivated, knowledgeable, and passionate about helping others succeed in the world of business.

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